
Scan Smart, Eat Smarter:
Unveiling nutritional balance in every bite



Byte Check aims to redefine users' approach to nutrition by seamlessly integrating AI technology to scan food items and promptly deliver comprehensive nutritional data. Users can conveniently access and monitor their daily nutritional goals while gaining valuable insights into their dietary habits, all through the intuitive interface of their wearable device.


For our project in the Future Interface Design course at GBC, I collaborated with a team of fellow students. Our main aim was to develop a prototype application specifically for Apple Watch users.By focusing on compatibility with wearable devices like the Apple Watch, our goal was to provide a seamless user experience that encourages healthier eating habits wherever we go.


UX/UI design, Research, Interaction design, Prototyping


2 Weeks / January 2024


Figma, Notion, Miro, Photoshop

Preliminary Research

Competitor Applications

During the research phase of our project, we delved into various AI applications with functionalities akin to Byte Check. Notable examples we explored include Rabbit R1, January's AI, and Humane's AI pin. Through comparative analysis and user feedback assessments, we gained valuable insights into the strengths and weaknesses of these existing solutions. This research not only informed our design decisions but also provided a foundation for enhancing Byte Check's user experience and functionality.

ai examples


  • Intuitive user interface, extensive food database.
  • Advanced machine learning capabilities, personalized recommendations.
  • Seamless integration with wearable devices, real-time tracking features


  • Limited platform compatibility, lack of personalized features.
  • Steep learning curve, potential privacy concerns.
  • Relatively small food database, occasional inaccuracies in nutritional data.


User Personas & Flows

Creating user personas involved understanding the diverse dietary needs of our target audience. We developed personas representing lactose intolerant individuals, those avoiding certain foods, and general users with varying dietary preferences. Each persona encapsulated unique challenges and goals, guiding the design process to ensure Byte Check effectively addresses the specific needs of each user group.


Translating Needs to Features

Features for Byte Check were developed based on thorough understanding of user needs. Quick food scanning and barcode capabilities address the need for easy access to nutritional information. Personalized filters and recommendations cater to individual dietary preferences. Integration with wearable devices ensures convenience and accessibility. This approach ensures Byte Check provides a tailored and intuitive experience for users.

features features

Design & Prototype


During the wireframe and prototype stage, we translated user requirements into visual representations. Wireframes outlined the interface layout, refined through iterative feedback. Prototypes simulated user interactions, allowing for testing and iteration before development.

watch wireframes phone wireframes


What's Next

Throughout the project, we've learned the importance of user feedback and iteration in refining Byte Check's features. Moving forward, we plan to gather additional feedback, refine the user interface, and explore partnerships to expand Byte Check's reach.

Project Takeaways

Our experience with Byte Check has taught us valuable lessons in user-centered design and product development, including the iterative process and usability testing. We're excited to continue refining Byte Check and exploring opportunities in digital health and wellness.